Visit the Precincts page for an updated list of precincts. If you live in the areas shaded pink below, you may be voting at a new polling location. 


Following the 2020 census, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved new magisterial district boundaries. Lee District, now Franconia, remained the same, but adds West Springfield precinct to extend west to Rolling Road. You can see the full county map here.


The census also required redistricting of congressional districts as well as state Senate and House of Delegates districts. At the end of a contentious process, the Supreme Court of Virginia appointed two special masters to draw the lines. The plans were finalized at the end of December.

Until 2021, all of Lee District except Greenspring precinct was in the 8th Congressional District. Following the 2022 election, the 11th Congressional District will extend halfway into newly renamed Franconia District, with the line slicing right through neighborhoods in Franconia, Manchester Lakes and Kingstowne, affecting Franconia and Kingstowne precincts.

This amazing open source tool, discovered by Lee Dems Technology Vice Chair Todd Smyth, allows you to view magisterial districts, congressional districts, state House and Senate districts, and precincts (ours are in the 400s) by clicking the various boxes on the left. Check out the New Congressional District map to see the bizarre boundary between the 8th and 11th districts through Franconia and Kingstowne precincts, shown in detail below.

Franconia precinct congressional district boundary

This map shows the irregular boundary in what was Franconia precinct between the 11th congressional district, left, shown in pink, and the 8th congressional district, shaded blue. The area shown in pink becomes a new precinct, Franconia No. 2, voting at Edison High School. 

Kingstowne precinct congressional district boundary

Another odd boundary occurs in what was Kingstowne precinct. Most of the precinct remains in the 8th CD, shown in blue. The area in the pink carveout just south of Lane Elementary School now becomes part of Lane precinct, which is now in the 11th CD.